Modelling the Bombora mWave

ARR Ltd provide close and detailed support to Bombora Wavepower Pty in the numerical modelling of mWave and the interpretation of their experimental results.

The mWave features a series of air-inflated rubber membranes mounted to a concrete structure on the sea floor, all arranged at an angle to the incoming waves. As waves pass over the mWave air inside the membranes is squeezed into a duct and through a turbine. The turbine spins a generator to produce electricity. The air is then recycled to reinflate the membranes ready for the next wave.

The efficient modelling of mWave is highly challenging as it requires coupling the hydrodynamics and aerodynamics of multiple flexible membranes. To support this ARR Ltd modelled the membrane deformations in a potential-flow solver that could be adjusted to match the expected deformations of the mWave membranes. The hydrodynamic coefficients from these membrane deformations were then used to produce, frequency-domain, spectral-domian and  non-linear time-domain models of the mWave, to estimate the expected response, power capture and annual energy production. Once verified the numerical models were handed over to Bombora, allowing them to use and modify them as they wished.

ARR Ltd also worked with Bombora to successfully validate the model against wave-tank data, including refinements of the model to better replicate the laboratory layout used in the testing.

ARR Ltd continues to work with Bombora providing on-going support for the models, including modifying the numerical models where novel configurations or further refinements are required.

Cam Algie – Technical Director

“ARR have not only been invaluable to us as technical experts in numerical modelling and WEC development, but have also been very efficient and a pleasure to deal with. These guys are a great resource.”


IEC wave resource standards

Dr Folley, a director of ARR, is chair of the IEC committee responsible for the development of International Standards for wave energy resource assessment and characterisation since 2009, when it was first proposed. To achieve this Dr Folley has worked with international experts from academia and industry to produce an International Standard for the wave energy resource. The first Technical Specification for this standard was published in 2015 and is available through the IEC website.

The chair of this important committee was awarded to Dr Folley in recognition of the extensive work he has done in this area. Specifically, Dr Folley has looked at the representation of the wave climate in the context of extracting wave energy, which requires a different perspective to a traditional wave climate study that may be undertaken for a harbour or conventional offshore structure. Details of papers published by Dr Folley in this area are listed below and are available on request.

Do you need a wave resource assessment and characterisation that is tailored for wave energy converters? Contact ARR to discuss how we can help.

Papers on wave energy resource assessment

Folley, M. and Whittaker, T. [2009]. Analysis of the nearshore wave energy resource, Renewable Energy 34(7): 1709-1715

Folley, M., Elsaesser, B. and Whittaker, T. [2009]. Analysis of the wave energy resource at the European Marine Energy Centre, 9th International Breakwaters Conference, Edinburgh, UK

Folley, M., Cornett, A., Holmes, B., Lenee-Bluhm, P. & Liria, P. [2012]. Standardising resource assessment of wave energy converters, 4th International Conference on Ocean Energy. Dublin, Ireland

Folley, M. [2017] The Wave Energy Resource, in Handbook of ocean wave energy, Ed. Pecher, A and Kofoed, J.P., Springer International Publishing

Oyster concept development

Whilst at Queen’s University Belfast, Dr Folley, a director of ARR, completed the research that launched the development of Oyster by Aquamarine Power Ltd. Although flap-type wave energy converters had been considered for decades, it was the work of Dr Folley that resulted in an understanding of the hydrodynamics, which supported the design of Oyster. A number of Dr Folley’s peer-reviewed papers on this subject are listed below and can be obtained upon request. Many flap-type wave energy converters have and continue to be proposed, the work of Dr Folley enables these concepts to be optimised.

Dr Folley has gained the ability to develop fundamental understandings of wave energy converters through three decades of dedicated research in this area. Does your hydrodynamics team have this depth of experience? How could your wave energy converter project be enhanced with insight developed by working with Applied Renewables Research Ltd? Contact ARR to discuss how we could help.

Papers on flap-type wave energy converter hydrodynamics and design

Folley, M., Whittaker, T.J.T. and Osterried, M. [2004] The Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, 14th International Conference on Ocean and Polar Engineering, ISOPE 2004, Toulon, France

Folley, M., Whittaker, T.J.T. and Henry, A. [2007] The effect of water depth on the performance of a small surging wave energy converter, Ocean Engineering, 34 (8-9), 1265-1274

Folley, M., Whittaker, T.J.T. and van’t Hoff, J. [2007] The design of small seabed-mounted bottom-hinged wave energy converters, 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Aporto, Portugal

Whittaker, T. and Folley, M. [2012]. Nearshore Oscillating Wave Surge Converters and the Development of Oyster. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370: 345-364

Matt Folley

Dr Matt Folley has worked on the development of wave energy technologies for over 20 years. Consequently, he has seen large changes in the industry from the small academic-led research effort of the 1980s to the current emerging industry and the deployment of full-scale prototypes. During this time Matt has been actively involved in all stages of the development process from the production and assessment of novel concepts, through numerical modelling and wave-tank testing, to the design and deployment of full-scale devices at sea.

Matt has published extensively in the research and development of wave energy including over 20 peer-reviewed publications – some of which are listed below. Matt is also chair of the IEC committee developing international standards for the Assessment and Characterisation of the Wave Energy Resource and UK principal expert on the IEC committee for the Power Performance Assessment of Wave Energy Converters. Matt has recently been invited to review the draft methodology developed by the Carbon Trust for estimating the wave energy resource of the UK.

  • Folley, M., Curran, R. and Whittaker, T.J.T. [2006] Comparison of the LIMPET counter-rotating Wells turbine with theoretical and model predictions, Ocean Engineering, 33 (8-9), 1056-1069
  • Folley, M., Whittaker, T.J.T. and van’t Hoff, J. [2007] The design of small seabed-mounted bottom-hinged wave energy converters, 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Aporto, Portugal
  • Whittaker, T.J.T., Collier, D., Folley, M., Osterried, M., Henry, A. and Crowley, M. [2007] The development of Oyster – a shallow water surging wave energy converter, 7th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Aporto, Portugal
  • Folley, M. and Whittaker, T. [2009]. The cost of water from an autonomous wave-powered desalination plant, Renewable Energy 34(1): 75-81.
  • Folley, M. and Whittaker, T. [2009]. Analysis of the nearshore wave energy resource, Renewable Energy 34(7): 1709-1715
  • Folley, M. and Whittaker, T. [2009]. The control of wave energy converters using active bipolar damping, Proc. IMechE Part M: Journal of engineering for the maritime environment 223:479-487

Cuan Boake

Cuan has worked on the development of marine renewable energy technologies for over 15 years. He has extensive experience of all aspects of marine energy device development ranging from small-scale testing through to full-scale prototype testing. He has developed a specific expertise in implementing state-of-the-art instrumentation, data acquisition and real-time data management systems tailored for the marine energy industry.

In recent years, Cuan has been the lead scientist instrumental in developing novel techniques for the environmental and performance monitoring of Tidal Energy devices using Accoustic Doppler Current Profilers, centred around his involvement with the Seagen Tidal Turbine currently operated in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland by UK company Marine Current Turbines.

Cuan has published in the research and development of marine renewable energy, some of which are listed below. Cuan represents Ireland as principal expert on the IEC committee for the Resource Assessment of Tidal Energy Converters.

  • Heath, T.V., Whittaker, T.J.T. & Boake, C.B. (2000) Design, Construction and Operation of the LIMPET Wave Energy Converter (Islay, Scotland), 4th European Wavepower Conference, Denmark
  • Boake, C.B., Thompson, A., Whittaker, T.J.T. and Folley, M. [2001] Integrated System Design for Remote Communication, Data Acquisition and Control of the LIMPET Wave Energy Device, REMIC, Belfast, UK
  • Folley, M.*, Curran, R., Boake, C.B. and Whittaker, T.J.T. [2002] Performance investigations of the LIMPET counter-rotating Wells turbine, Marine Renewable Energy Conference, Newcastle, UK
  • Whittaker, T.J.T.*, Beattie, W., Folley, M., Boake, C.B., Wright, A., Osterried, M. and Heath, T. [2003] Performance of the LIMPET wave power station – Prediction, Measurement and Potential, 5th European Wave Energy Conference, Cork, Ireland
  • Boake, C.B.*, Folley, M., Whittaker, T.J.T. and Ellen, H. [2003] Instrumentation and Data Management of the LIMPET OWC Wave Power Plant, 5th European Wave Energy Conference, Cork, Ireland
  • C.B. Boake, M. Atcheson, I.G. Bryden, T.J.T Whittaker (2009): Selection of a large model scale field wave and tidal test site in Strangford Lough, UK. Proceedings from 1st International Conference on Sustainable Power Generation and Supply, Nanjing, China.
  • F. Thiebaut, D.O’Sullivan, P. Kracht, S. Ceballos, J. López, C. Boake, J. Bard, N. Brinquete, J. Varandas, L.M.C. Gato, R. Alcorn, A.W. Lewis: Testing of a floating OWC device with movable guide vane impulse turbine power take-off, 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Southampton, UK, 2011.

Cuan has been involved in numerous renewable energy projects, some of which are listed here:

  • CORES European Project (Jan 2008 – March 2011), Wave Energy Project.
  • SUPERGEN Marine Energy Research Consortium.
  • Wavetrain II, EEC Marie Curie Training Network, Scientist in Charge.
  • Oyster Wave Energy Plant (Aquamarine).
  • SEAGEN, Marine Current Turbines, Strangford Lough Tidal Turbine Project, Northern Ireland
  • Horizon Renewables Ltd
    – Development of Intelligent Real-time Energy Management System for Small-scale Renewable Energy Installations.
    – Software development – economic feasibility assessment for small-medium scale wind turbines
  • Castlecool Ltd.
    – Development of an Integrated Energy Management System using refrigerated energy storage
  • LIMPET Wave Energy Project (EEC Contract JOR3-CT98-0312)
  • Energetech Australia, Port Kembla Wave Energy Project.
  • CA-OE, Co-ordinated Action for Ocean Energy Partner, EEC Project.
  • Wavetrain Project, EEC Marie Curie Training Network, Scientist in Charge.